Stache was often the first cat non-cat people met that made them actually like cats. He was so affectionate and loved to cuddle and be held. His favorite toy was a tied up grocery bag and he loved lounging in the sun. He modeled how to live a stress-free life and taught me so much in 15 years. To take things slow, enjoy food, play, and always stop and smell the grass. Shortly after I rescued him from a Mexican food restaurant kitchen, I was grilling up hot dogs with my friend. He took his chance while we were inside waiting for the grill to heat up to steal a cold hot dog off a plate. I’ll never forget him running through the house with a wobbly hot dog trophy hanging out of his mouth. A short lived victory but it was just the beginning of his very full life. He saw snow, sun, forests, and grass. He and his sister Joon were always by each others side, even if they just tolerated each other. He embodied peace and light. Joon and I will miss him forever. Rest in peace my sweet boy </3