Prissy was the sweetest dog ever and truly adored everyone! She loved her neck kisses, cuddling, and just being close to our faces! For her entire life, whenever she’d lay on my chest to cuddle she would let out loud cries to show her love and affection. She was happy as long as she was around someone. In fact, she really didn’t like flying, but whenever we took out her plane carrier before going on a trip, she would get inside to ensure we were taking her with us! She was the biggest love bug ever!
We used to joke that if we didn’t name her Prissy, we should have named her Bullet because she loved to dart around in the house and was so fast! Even at 12.5 years, she was still so playful and energetic; everyone always thought she was much younger!
Prissy was a playful, cuddly, sweet, amazing dog! She brought joy and happiness to us all and life just isn’t the same without her. I miss her every day and always will! You were an angel Miss Priss and I will never stop loving you!