harmful plants pet

Plant NameSystem AffectedDetails
African VioletHeartLeaves & stems are poisonous
AmaryllisIntestines & Brain
AnthuriumKidney & Liver
ApricotLungsPit contains cyanide
Autumn CrocusIntestines & Heart
BegoniaKidney & Liver
CaladiumMouth/SkinSevere irritation of mouth and tongue
Calla lilyKidney & Liver
Century plant (Agave)HeartSaponins in root may be fatal
Choke cherriesLungsUnripe berries contain cyanide
ChrysanthemumSkinRotten plants cause severe skin irritation
DaffodilIntestinesBulbs cause intestinal upset/death
DieffenbachiaIntestines & LungsMay cause fatal swelling of throat
Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)Mouth/SkinJuice causes swelling of mouth/throat
ElderberryLungsUnripe berries contain cyanide
Elephant’s ear (Colocasia)Mouth/SkinSevere irritation of mouth and tongue
English IvyLungsBerries & leaves cause breathing difficulty & coma
EucalyptusHeartCyanide poisoning
Four o’clock (Mirabilis)IntestinesRoots and seeds cause stomach upset
HeliotropeHeartLeaves are poisonous
HydrangeaLungsStomach upset and bloody diarrhea
Lily of the valleyHeart
MistletoeHeart & Brain
Morning gloryBrainSeeds are toxic to birds
OleanderHeartVery poisonous, one leaf can be fatal
PeachLungsPit contains cyanide
Pencil cactusIntestines
PeperomiaHeartLeaves are poisonous
PetuniaHeartContains poisonous alkaloids
PhilodendronKidney & Liver
PoinsettiaMouth/SkinJuice is irritating to mouth/tongue/intestines
Prayer plantIntestinesLeaves are toxic
PrimroseSkinMay cause severe skin irritation
Rex begoniaIntestinesCauses vomiting
RhubarbKidney & Liver
Rubber Plant (Ficus)SkinSevere skin irritation
Sago PalmHeart & LiverWobbling, liver inflammation
ScheffeleraKidney & Liver
Sweet violetsIntestinesRhizomes and seeds cause upset stomach
WormwoodBrainOils can cause brain damage

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Everyone has been so friendly and helpful with the kittens we've saved and had to bring in for emergency issues or just regular Kitten wellness.
Val W.
5 star rating
Very impressed with the service and staff at Scottsdale Veterinary Clinic! My doggy and I are new to the area after moving here from Tucson... read more
Rachael M.
Love this place ! After moving from Washington state I found them online . Just took our peaches for her second dental cleaning Dr Blackman... read more
Pamela A.
Great caring service! Our kitty is doing much better now! Their always there when we need them!
Diane S.

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Found an orphaned, injured or sick wild animal?

  • For The Birds Wildlife Rescue
  • 4335 E. McDonald Dr.
  • Phoenix, AZ. 85018
  • 602-995-5495

Pet Rescues

This is a list of rescues that we support and help.

Dog Parks

Several dog-friendly parks and restaurants in the area.

  • AZ 88
  • 7353 E Scottsdale Mall
  • Scottsdale, AZ, US 85251
  • Chaparral Park
  • 5401 N Hayden Rd
  • Scottsdale, AZ, US 85250
  • Horizon Dog Park
  • 15444 N. 100th St.
  • Scottsdale, AZ 85260
  • Vista del Camino Dog Park
  • 7700 E. Roosevelt St.
  • Scottsdale, AZ 85257

Payment Help

If you are in need of a payment plan or financial assistance with your pet’s medical care you may contact some of the following resources for assistance. We offer payments plans with no interest financing for 6 months through Care Credit.